How Long Should You Wait to Get a Reading?Is there a certain amount of time that you should wait after a person passes before you attempt to contact them?
Sleep paralysis: A Spiritual ExplanationWhen sleep paralysis can't be fully explained by science, it's time to consider spiritual ways to explain it and cope with it.
Developing Your Psychic AbilitiesThe unique ways your mind receives psychic information and the ways you can practice opening and improving your psychic channel.
Signs of a Spirit PresenceWhen those who have passed away remain interested in you, they may leave a sign of their presence. What are these signs and what do they mean?
Visitation DreamsWhat separates a real visitation dream from a regular dream and how to encourage a spirit to visit you at night.
Imagination & RealityA discussion on the intertwining of imagination and reality when opening up to believing that those in spirit remain with us.